Visit Bainbridge

About Us


Southwest Georgia is home to many picturesque regions and captivating communities, but none so enchanting as Bainbridge and Decatur County. Generations of Southerners have witnessed the evolution of this magnificent landscape rich with Indian lore, scarred by battle, and blessed with beautifully preserved monuments that honor these life changes.


With its deep agricultural roots and extensive waterways, Decatur County was formed by the Georgia Legislature in 1823 and named for Commodore Stephen Decatur, a naval hero during the War of 1812. Even before that, in 1765, the present site of Bainbridge was an Indian village known as Pucknawhitla. As early as 1778, it became known as Burgess Town, when a trader named James Burgess established a trading post here. Later a federal outpost, it was called Fort Hughes from 1817-1824. After the Seminoles were defeated in battle in late 1824, Fort Hughes was named Bainbridge for Commodore William Bainbridge, Commander of “Old Ironsides” during the War of 1812. Land for a county seat was purchased in 1826, and the city itself was incorporated in 1829.

An early inhabitant of Decatur County stated, “The Chattahoochee and Flint Rivers, together with their product, the Apalachicola River to the Gulf of Mexico, made the equivalent of a pretty big ready-made highway system.” Archaeologists digging along the lake and its tributaries have uncovered several prehistoric fossils, dating back 15,000 years, as well as artifacts from the Civil War and turn-of-the-century riverboat excursions.

The historical sites found throughout Decatur County are important reminders of our heritage-battles fought, lives lost, victories won, and progress made. They all help explain, not just where we are, but who we are.

Visitor Economic Impact 2022

Visitor spending generated $55 million

Visitor spending breakdown:

Food & Beverage: $13.8 million

Transportation: $9.1 million

Lodging: $13.2 million

Retail: $10.1 million

Recreation: $8.8 million

Visitors generated $4.4 million in state and local taxes. Each Bainbridge/Decatur county household would need to be taxed an additional $426 per year to replace taxes generated by visitor economic activity.

Source: Explore Georgia via Tourism Economics, LLC.